Wednesday, August 5, 2009

a sign that you are going PSYCHO:
your password for blogger is suddenly S960....
*says: oh yeah i'm not in DHSmail eh*
*does: frantically press the "backspace"*
well, some humour for you at my expense. pleasepleaseplease come tag peoples my awesome posts arre not being read. *gasp* will change this blogface soon, it's too goodygoody. i'd probably try a black skin next time.
well i haven't been online for quite a bit, yesterday i replaced it with gym woooooooooooooooooot! then off to celebrate cheche nine's 23rd birthday! a little early though, her real birthday is on the 15th. took many cool photos but can't post them, blogger not fixed yet. ahh. the food was really good heehee, and it was fun. godma, who's going back at 11.59pm today(lol i know...), thinks that cheche deline's boyfriend is a "really really nice guy"! yay!! it's hard to get approval from godma, furthermore she's a religious subject. i have gottened suan-ed many times okaay!! i'll take it in my stride (thanks jeffrey). indestructible. yay me.
oh well, school was fun only because we played netball for about 1 hour straight. group 1 was lousy today!! (referring to myself, mostly, and SOME PEOPLE WHO CANNOT CATCH BALLS PROPERLY *ahemahem*) i played some roles that were soooooo not for me, like GK. i mean the last time i played GK i was alright, but this time i totally sucked! anni is so much better at GK! she stole one ball from me, making me feel like a total loser. also, i should play GA. really, REALLY enjoyed that one. when jiaxin, jovina and me work together, things happen. it's cool! i scream too much. overly hyper and also, the whole girls' school factor, which i guess somewhat defines me. (found my sort-of definition, or something that contributed to my being. finally.) so good roles for rory: GA, GS, maybe C. GK if i can work at it, haven't played the wings yet (WA and WD), GD is kind of....oh i can't remember if i've played it. ahhh.
got super trashed in the game with the part-year2-part-year1 team. played GK then (yes cover your eyes catastrophy coming) and probably looked like an idiot. oh dammit. i really need to work!
will stay back sometime with jiaxin, isabelle and vivian and might go to isabel's house to play too. meanwhile it's F&C for me, i guess. and practising long shots. well, at least it gives me something to work on and look forward to, besides band. *sigh* which is really taking a lot out of me, if you're wondering. so i hope that i'll get into class team and if inter-class falls on a band day, i'll pon band no matter what. *evil laugh* DROVER FTW!
can't wait for friday. going out with amanda I MISS YOU BABE! (if you are grossed out by that, just remember in a girls' school it's why we chicks are so cool. bff!)
well mum's gonna make sushi so i better go wake her up. and get this: RORYLOVESNETBALL.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

okay, sorry for the ugly looking post but anyway. better than not posting at all rights?
well, school's been fun, and we're doing poems for LA so it has been rather colorful. shakespeare much? (had to type his name twice cos it looks so weird in the terrible font- do you know that the kind recognizes words by their shape? and i for one type in arial.) i hope we'll do drama or something soon. i wrote this quite nice-ish poem for anni and well. i shall not freely express my desires. haiz, anyway i won't do it again. mum agrees she has to try! :D jiayou anni!
don't think i will be joining the writing competition due to the lack of an artist's touch- guess they really do need an illustrator. well i'll just continue writing and put my best foot forward and brightest attitude first.
history test *bleargh* on monday, and indoor test. it's probably fate i'll fail, i'm soo terrible and can't do half of the things he requires. anni has a very good chance of getting in though, not bootlicking or any false modesty here, but seriously, she can kick some music ass. and i am seriously horrible. oh well, just hope i don't faint in his presence, now THAT will be the 5th or 6th biggest joke of our time. (for the full details, please ask Vivian and me!)
having three metaphors to do for LA. already found a most beautiful persona poem. i bet sijie found her gazillion-th one already, and joshua's probably written persona poems to last another century. yes, as compared to the other "poem pros" in my class, i seem to fade in the background. while i'm figuring out the reason, woe is thee.
well, better get to work on my artistic facet for the metaphors now. i love LA! (still not forgiving the asshole who made me break those earrings. ughughugh. yuck man. partly the reason i partly regret coming here.)
`before that, something totally random =I SO NEED TO GO TO ORCHARD! *andrea: freaking out rory: let's get on with the post. excuse the little lady breaking out in ecstatic convulsions over there...*
cherylchew: omg yes, miss you too! undoubtedly love you guys. finally someone misses me, otherwise my missing 6ep would have been in vain *throws head back drama-ly* D:
`oh yes, special mention, amanda ng if you ever read this you are amazing too! thank you for calling me prettier than *jxxxxx* haven't been beautiful for a long time. love to all my darling friends
sijie: kind-of out of retrospective, emo-ing me already. the new andrea shall LIM
`live-in the-moment. thank you carpe diem! which means seize the day in latin, ie my second language of choice after french. which also happens to be 6ep08's motto.
vivian: TWO CAN PLAY AT THIS GAME, VIV HO! (although seriously girlfriend, he's SO over!)
niya: stupid! watch HBP without me!! D: but it does not suck lah. DRAMOINE!! and yeah, i love my songs too. :)
rachael: long time no see! hellos!
cherylloo: linked.
`cheryl loo maybe crazy at times, but it's actually her bubbly personality spilling over from the sobconscious into the world as we know it.
chris: linked. <3
alrighty! lovelovelove to all my friends. social life is what keeps me alive. that and LA. and music. maybe my non-existent-but-much-wanted dance/fencing/martial arts classes. hopes and dreams etc. ahhhhh.