Sunday, December 27, 2009

i know i haven't been posting
for like, ever. so here i am again!
it's not dead but just that i haven't
had much time to post. good
news is, whatever i said i'd do on the
previous post, most of them
i completed. this holiday i:
-danced (at studiowu!)
-practiced piano (recital this saturday, pray for me!)
-finished all my homework (left chengyu...gahh)
-shopped (i got two cool dresses okay!)
so, i can say that i'm happy for 2009, which is
coming to a close already. made new friends
this year, felt pain and made mistakes.
to all reading this blog if this year i have offended
you somehow, somewhere, i'm really
sorry. a new year is for new beginnings so
i hope that i can let go.
new motto for 2010?
cliche? try living by it.
oh and one of the resolutions is
to blog daily. hehe.
alone at home now cos sister is in
hospital for surgery. D;
pray for her.
living off maggi noodles and tuna sandwiches.
went out two days ago to bugis...(will be
going tomorrow for horns outing)
it's officially my favourite place to shop.
got this awesome cool turqoise dress that
my parents don't like and made myself happy...
only spent TEN BUCKS!! ahhhhh.
i love it to bits.
and then went to iluma and got another dress.
yellow with floral patterning, and a zip in front!
omg! like how i always wanted.
sorry to those who thought the black one was nicer. ;)
veryvery happy. total spent $25,
which is not bad considering i have another
un-worn dress for new year costing $29.
wahahaha i didn't even spend the equivalent of that
and ALREADY i got two dresses. remaining money can
go eat. :):)
so, hope i can go there again. will
probably wear the turqoise dress for my birthday,
sans tights. (IN YOUR FACE PARENTS).
oh yes! my birthday!
12 jan. i really don't know what to do and
i have veryvery little time.
mama's having a big lunch/dinner thing on the 9th then
zooming off to Gunung Gamble (for those
who don't really getit,Genting.)
on the actual day, i.e. 11th.
we used to celebrate together but
in 2010 she's EIGHTY so i better back off.
please tag ideas.
school starting...
hast onlzee tu zaes orf orreeantayshion.
(sorry i'm feeling lame)
then into the rat race. hoping i can catch up!
so maybe resolution to blog daily
will not be fufilled. AHHH.
i has not even finished
to kill a mockingbird yet!
i has not even seen what the
cover of shakespeare looks like!
for 2010 i wish.
that there will be peace, seriously.
that rory will be a better person and piss less people off.
that rory will think before she craps.
that everyone will be happy.
that we will live and let live unless person-in-question deserves a fatal kick-in-the-ass.