just realised the plain truth:
probably not going to watch half-blood prince.
omgomg. avoiding the "f" in the between
to avoid getting struck by lightning (it is going
to rain). yes i'm a catholic. sigh.
alright, so i'm notnotnot going to see
draco in action. wtf? cannot express how
sexy he is. and how much
i wantwantwant to watch this
show with a fellow draco-lover...
watching with parents is not the same.
haiz... read this blog while seeing his
results on google images and
it says EXACTLY what i feel!
"he'll only change for you"
"got the schoolboy thing down"
"is achingly sexy"
well, the whole point in this is that
it's a lame fairytale, and they hardly ever
come true, which makes me some lame pathetic loser
beacause i still believe
in them, even as i am writing this.
i am SUCH a hopeless romantic.
oh dear. what will my life be like
if i carry on like this? it's so messed up,
with so much disappointments
and dissatisfactions.
and now there's something bugging me
and i'm so afraid of it blowing up
everything i've created so far.
i told myself to make a new life
in dunman high, but i don't know
why it ends up being so hard, and it
becoming like my previous exsistence naturally
without my notice. i'm so imbalanced, i need
to find my equilibrium.
what is me? personality crisis here.
should i go for meditition classes?
no, it'd be way too boring.
i can't define myself, yes, not even i can
define myself. isn't that just
another sign on how confused i am?
i don't know what i want, who i am,
what i should do, why i am here
on this earth. how did i come to this?
just complicating the hell out of it all.
what was originally there is now smeared,
what has been replaced is just fading away.
i know i've changed. for the better or worse?
my friends won't tell me the real answer, so
who should i look out for?
a million questions. left unanswered, probably.
the only one i know has been acting strangely,
recently. why?
i don't know. but i care.
who can i trust?
i'll be waiting for you.